Start-ups: Accelerator Selection

Start-ups: Accelerator Selection

The emergence of numerous start-up accelerators across the world has left start-up founders spoilt for choice when it comes to utilizing a program to accelerate company growth. However, all accelerators are not the same. It’s critical to consider the characteristics of each program before participating, to ensure that the time and resources spent will translate into valuable returns.

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Start-ups: Money Matters

Start-ups: Money Matters

All founders eventually face the dilemma of choosing how to get their start-up off the ground – raise external funds or bootstrapping their venture. Each option has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, aspects that can have long-lasting effects on the vision a founder has for his company. How do you decide what is right?

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Start-up Investment 101

Start-up Investment 101

Start-up investors across the world are constantly evaluating investment opportunities that can given them staggering returns on their money. With a high failure rate of even venture backed start-ups, how can investors protect their investments? This is a comprehensive checklist of what should be kept in mind before making any start-up investment.

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The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

40% of India’s start-ups operate in the B2B space, securing more than 30% of overall tech funding in 2017. 43% of new start-ups incorporated in 2018 were focused on B2B. With 3 Indian unicorns operating in the B2B space, 7 more are likely to reach unicorn status soon. Why aren’t Indian start-up founders focusing on the next 500M internet users in the country?

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